Feathering the Nest: Birdhouses and your Garden
Sometimes attracting songbirds to your yard is as easy as hanging a well-stocked feeder and planting the right kinds of…
Sometimes attracting songbirds to your yard is as easy as hanging a well-stocked feeder and planting the right kinds of…
When starting your own cut flower garden, choosing from amongst the enormous variety of seeds out there can be a…
These days, terms like “Victory Garden” and “Make Do and Mend” rise up from collective memory, coming readily to mind….
Winters in Maine are long, cold, and mostly gray. If you’re a gardener like me, sustained by beauty and color…
Early spring (aka “mud season”) is the perfect time to take a walk around your property to discover any low-lying…
“No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn.” ~ Hal Borland It can be difficult to remain positive in…