
What’s in Bloom— September 24, 2024

What's In Bloom

Fall blooms are opening! As you explore the Garden’s, look for toad lilies including Jim’s Tall Towers toad lily in the Bibby and Harold Alfond Children’s Garden (Tricyrtis ‘Jim’s Tall Towers), and Blue Wonder toad lily (Tricyrtis ‘Blue Wonder’) in the Arbor Garden. Also blooming are the beautiful autumn crocuses (Colchicum cilicicum and Colchicum autumnale ‘Album’) in the Giles Rhododendron and Perennial Garden, and the Clara Curtis chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum ‘Clara Curtis’) in the Emory Welcome Gardens.

Emory Welcome Gardens

1) Pretty Lady Emily Japanese anemone – Anemone hupehensis ‘Pretty Lady Emily’

2) Nekan blue sage – Salvia azurea ‘Nekan’

3) Clara Curtis chrysanthemum – Chrysanthemum ‘Clara Curtis’

4) Southern Charm mullein – Verbascum ‘Southern Charm’

5) PIKES PEAK PURPLE® beard-tongue – Penstemon × mexicali ‘P007S’


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Clara Curtis chrysanthemum – Chrysanthemum ‘Clara Curtis’


Butterfly House Gardens

1) New England aster – Symphyotrichum novae-angliae

2) Showy goldenrod – Solidago speciosa

3) Canada burnet – Sanguisorba canadensis

4) Limelight panicled hydrangea – Hydrangea paniculata ‘Limelight’

5) Blonde Ambition blue grama – Bouteloua gracilis ‘Blonde Ambition’


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Showy goldenrod – Solidago speciosa


Pond Garden

1) BERRY WHITE® panicled hydrangea – Hydrangea paniculata ‘Renba’

2) Pink Beauty shrubby cinquefoil – Potentilla fruticosa ‘Pink Beauty’

3) Southern Cross ironweed – Vernonia × ‘Southern Cross’

4) Stiff aster – Ionactis linariifolia

5) Blue mistflower – Conoclinium coelestinum

6) Raydon’s Favorite aromatic aster – Symphyotrichum oblongifolium ‘Raydon’s Favorite’

Café Walk

1) Limelight panicled hydrangea – Hydrangea paniculata ‘Limelight’

2) True Blue gentian – Gentiana ‘True Blue’

3) Cupid’s dart – Catananche caerulea

4) Henry Eilers sweet coneflower – Rudbeckia subtomentosa ‘Henry Eilers’

5) Autumn Glow toad lily – Tricyrtis formosana ‘Autumn Glow’

Great Lawn

1) Shoal Creek chastetree – Vitex agnus-castus ‘Shoal Creek’

2) Tall tickseed – Coreopsis tripteris

3) Nekan blue sage – Salvia azurea ‘Nekan’

4) Stiff aster – Ionactis linariifolia


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Stiff aster – Ionactis linariifolia


Lerner Garden of the Five Senses

1) Scarlet rose mallow – Hibiscus coccineus

2) Curtain Call Deep Rose anemone – Anemone ‘Curtain Call Deep Rose’

3) Chilly Winds New England aster – Symphyotrichum novae-angliae ‘Chilly Winds’

4) Iron Butterfly narrowleaf ironweed – Vernonia lettermannii ‘Iron Butterfly’

5) Skyracer purple moor grass – Molinia caerulea subsp. arundinacea ‘Skyracer’

Slater Forest Pond

1) Closed bottle gentian – Gentiana clausa

2) White turtlehead – Chelone glabra

3) Miyazaki toad lily – Tricyrtis hirta ‘Miyazaki’

4) Golden Angel Japanese shrub mint – Leucosceptrum japonicum ‘Golden Angel’


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Miyazaki toad lily – Tricyrtis hirta ‘Miyazaki’


Cleaver Lawn

1) Diana rose-of-Sharon – Hibiscus syriacus ‘Diana’

2) Pink Penny cranesbill – Geranium ‘Pink Penny’

3) Iron Gate Delight hosta – Hosta ‘Iron Gate Delight’

4) Inverleith red bistort – Bistorta amplexicaulis ‘Inverleith’

5) Narrowleaf ironweed – Vernonia lettermannii


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Inverleith red bistort – Bistorta amplexicaulis ‘Inverleith’


Reiser Woodland Garden

1) Autumn Glow toad lily – Tricyrtis formosana ‘Autumn Glow’

2) Bevis soft shield fern – Polystichum setiferum ‘Bevis’

3) Narrow tassel fern – Polystichum retrosopaleaceum

4) Japanese yellow sage – Salvia koyamae

5) Strawberry-bush – Euonymus americanus

Arbor Garden

1) New Millenium Blue Lace larkspur – Delphinium elatum ‘Blue Lace’

2) Issai beautyberry – Callicarpa dichotoma ‘Issai’

3) Wood’s Blue aster – Aster ‘Wood’s Blue’

4) Blue Wonder toad lily – Tricyrtis ‘Blue Wonder’

5) Fireworks rough-stem goldenrod – Solidago rugosa ‘Fireworks’


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 Fireworks rough-stem goldenrod – Solidago rugosa ‘Fireworks’


Haney Hillside Garden

1) Seven-son flower – Heptacodium miconioides

2) American ipecac – Gillenia stipulata

3) Heart-leaved aster – Symphyotrichum cordifolium

4) Solar Cascade Short’s goldenrod – Solidago shortii ‘Solar Cascade’

5) Nally’s Lime Dot white doll’s-daisy – Boltonia asteroides ‘Nally’s Lime Dot’

Vayo Meditation Garden

1) WILD SWAN™ anemone – Anemone ‘MACANE001’

2) Himalayan maidenhair fern – Adiantum venustum

3) The King golden male fern – Dryopteris affinis ‘The King’

Giles Rhododendron and Perennial Garden

1) Aureola Japanese forest grass – Hakonechloa macra ‘Aureola’

2) Yellow wax bells – Kirengeshoma palmata

3) White autumn crocus – Colchicum autumnale ‘Album’

4) Autumn crocus – Colchicum cilicicum

5) Rhododendron – Rhododendron trichostomum

6) Purple Heart hosta – Hosta ‘Purple Heart’


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Autumn crocus – Colchicum sp.


Bibby and Harold Alfond Children’s Garden

1) Rooguchi clematis – Clematis ‘Rooguchi’

2) Tiny Toy aster – Aster ‘Tiny Toy’

3) Jim’s Tall Towers toad lily – Tricyrtis ‘Jim’s Tall Towers’

4) Spring Fever rose – Rosa ‘KEIshutopi’

5) Wood’s Blue aster – Aster ‘Wood’s Blue’

6) Tangerine Tango alstroemeria – Alstroemeria ‘Tangerine Tango’

Burpee Kitchen Garden

1) Head Over Heels® Adore™ hibiscus – Hibiscus ‘RutHib3’

2) Whirlwind anemone – Anemone ‘Whirlwind’

3) Pinkroot – Spigelia marilandica

4) Cup-plant rosinweed – Silphium terebinthinaceum var. pinnatifidum

5) Iron Butterfly narrowleaf ironweed – Vernonia lettermannii ‘Iron Butterfly’

Borsarge Education Center Gardens

1) Stiff aster – Ionactis linariifolia

2) Lemon Queen sunflower – Helianthus ‘Lemon Queen’

3) Bluebird smooth aster – Symphyotrichum laeve var. laeve ‘Bluebird’

4) Heavy Metal switch grass – Panicum virgatum ‘Heavy Metal’


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Bluebird smooth aster – Symphyotrichum laeve var. laeve ‘Bluebird’