Gardening in a Changing Climate
Following nature’s cues, winter is a good time for rest and recuperation after a season of gardening and growing. But rest doesn’t necessarily mean we aren’t planning for the season to come.
Following nature’s cues, winter is a good time for rest and recuperation after a season of gardening and growing. But rest doesn’t necessarily mean we aren’t planning for the season to come.
If you’ve been to Gardenshop—or its accompanying webshop—you might have noticed that, beyond offering visitors a memorable piece of the Gardens to take home, the shop team is creating a curated ambiance of approachable, artisanal…
We know how integral nature and natural spaces are to our wellbeing, so this year, why not invite more of the outdoors into our lives?
Lights on trees, candles in windows, and evergreen boughs adorning mantles are all familiar seasonal traditions whose roots stretch far beyond, and well before, their official ties to holiday celebrations. Even mistletoe is one decoration…
Maine winters may be long, but we have so much to offer during the quieter, darker months of November and December—which is exactly what Gardens Aglow set out to prove. But how much do you…
After putting the garden to bed, we might find we have a bit more free time on our hands. If, like us, you can’t get enough of the garden, even during the off-season, then maybe…
I sat down with design and bulb expert (both in the Gardens Aglow sense AND in the popping-up-from-the ground sense) Brent McHale, CMBG Horticulturist and Gardens Aglow Program Manager, who loves interesting shapes and color…
I sat down with our Adult Education Program Manager and horticulturist extraordinaire, Irene Barber, to pick up some of her sure-fire fall clean-up tips for the home garden. Her top tier advice? Keep the fall…