“Martha Stewarting”
Sharmon showing me how to use our surveying equipment The surveying equipment we used New Pines emerging from an old tree trunk in the Giles Rhododendron Garden Looking for a way to escape the aberrant…
Sharmon showing me how to use our surveying equipment The surveying equipment we used New Pines emerging from an old tree trunk in the Giles Rhododendron Garden Looking for a way to escape the aberrant…
A view of the deer fence. Even with the heat, the woodsare truly gorgeous. On July 15, staff horticulturalist Justin Nichols and I went on a trek through the Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens…
A favorite spot of the Japanese beetles Showing off the size of a single beetle Being at Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens these past few weeks, I’ve been in awe of how beautiful and lush all…
One of the amazing Malus spp. atthe Littlefield Ornamentals Trial Garden What a wonderful color combinationthese Astillbe spp. have made in theLittlefield Ornamentals Trial Garden A spectacular view of theOrono Bog Boardwalk Yesterday, on July 11,…
The Field PC I used to record plantsnow blooming in our gardens The renovated Front Entrance, withmodified road and new moss planting Our…
Dr. Michael Dirr speaking. (Photo byDirector of Horticulture Rodney Eason) Example of a splice graft Last Monday, July 1, I had the unique opportunity to participate in Dr. Michael Dirr’s propagation workshop at Coastal Maine…
Dr. Michael Dirr teaching (photo byDirector of Horticulture Rodney Eason) An example of a “nobel tree” in myfront yard in Boothbay Harbor:Acer platanoides ‘Royal Red’ Last Saturday I attended our 2013 symposium, “Trees in Your…
Those stairs took me forever,but I think they add anice homey touch to the stump. One of the hardest parts aboutbuilding a fairy house is adding color! Those fairies sure do knowhow to decorate! One…