Family Medicinal Plant Walk (Ages 8+)
July 29 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Ancient Egyptians used willow and myrtle to treat pain and fevers, and Mayans used the papaya tree for many herbal remedies. Plants have been used as medicine since our existence, and have inspired many modern-day medicines. In this session, participants will explore and sample plants in our gardens and surrounding woodlands that can be used for medical treatment for colds, upset stomachs, stress, anxiety, and so much more. The session will end by sampling a few herbal iced teas that participants can recreate at home or be inspired to create their own with their new knowledge.
Scholarships are available for families with a financial need. To request an application, please email Erika Huber at ehuber@mainegardens.org.
Instructor Biography:
Cristina first began learning about the medicinal properties of plants as an organic vegetable farmer in New York, spending her free time wandering the edges of fields and woods gathering wild plants and experimenting with making tea and salve. Cristina’s studies in herbalism include coursework from Rosemary Gladstar, gardening alongside a few community herbalists in Vermont, starting a side business growing and selling tinctures and salves, and working at the herbal apothecary originally started by Rosemary Gladstar in northern California. At Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens, Cristina helps tend to the gardens, creates floral arrangements, and enjoys sharing her love of medicinal plants whenever possible.