The Caterpillar Lab
The Caterpillar Lab is back!
Back by popular demand! Join us July 31–August 4 when perennial favorite, The Caterpillar Lab, sets up its functioning caterpillar rearing, researching, photographing, filming, and educating facility in our Education Center. No two days of this residency are alike! Come experience live caterpillar displays and witness how The Lab cares for and works with these amazing, surprising creatures.
The living exhibit is free with admission and is held in the Bosarge Family Education Center from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. If you’re wondering if this exhibit is for you, the answer is YES! There’s something for everyone, from the mildly curious to young children, from seasoned naturalists to professional biologists.
The Caterpillar Lab is known for its over-the-top, up-close native caterpillar exploration experiences. Think you know what’s lurking in your own backyard? Come test your knowledge! Meet many dozens of species showcased in open-air displays, including enormous giant silk moth caterpillars, fierce-looking snake-mimicking caterpillars, convincing twig-like caterpillars, and bizarre legless slug caterpillars. Catch rare moments of metamorphosis, see ecological relationships and parasitism play out first-hand at display tables and under digital microscopes, and chat with one of The Lab’s experts to learn even more.
The Caterpillar Lab is generously funded in loving memory of Tree Robbins.
Can’t get enough caterpillars? Check out the events below.

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